Dinosaur Game, also known as T-Rex Runner, is a legendary 2D arcade game where you will accompany the T-Rex dinosaur to overcome obstacles in a vast desert.
The game is not only highly entertaining but also has a simple gameplay that attracts players of all ages.
In Dinosaur Game, you will need to jump over obstacles such as cacti and rocks, while trying to run as far as possible to score points.
You can easily start the game on any browser—whether Chrome, Firefox, or Safari—both online and offline, making it a great choice for entertainment at any time.
Join today, enjoy the fun and explore your running ability.
Can you beat your previous record and become the king of the T-Rex desert? Give it a try and let us know how far you have run.
Up Arrow Key (↑): Used to jump over obstacles such as cacti.
Down Arrow Key (↓): Used to crouch, helping to avoid obstacles such as birds (when the game reaches higher speeds).